Sunday, April 19, 2009

A little time off...

We recently had some time off from work and got to spend a lot of time together (and with my family)! I had Spring Break for 9 days! It will be so hard to go back to work tomorrow! Charlie took 3 days off from work and we went down to Wilmington. My mom was watching my neice and nephew, Lorelei and Zak, while Chris and Krystal finally took a honeymoon (5 years later). We went down to help with kids and do some wedding planning. Here's the highlights of our vacation:

1. NEW BED: The new bed was delivered on Saturday. It looks humongous compared to our full beds and is SO comfortable. I'm jealous that Charlie gets to enjoy for the next 69 days without me!

2. EASTER: We went to the 8 o'clock Easter service. It was great to spend a day worshipping the Lord together. No one wanted to spend Easter with us :) so we enjoyed being gluttons at Golden Corral.

3. INVITATIONS: They will be in the mail tomorrow! They are addressed, stuffed, and sealed finally!

4. FLOWERS: We met with a florist on Saturday. I was totally overwhelmed by everything and began committing to things I'm unsure of. Luckily, I have a great mom who is going to smooth things out for me!

5. DRESS FITTING: I had my fitting for my dress and was able to pick up my veil! I also bought a clip for my hair and got shoes!

6. OTHER DRESSES: Poor Charlie trampled through the mall with the kids, my mom and I for hours one day. He was a great help with the kids and didn't complain as I tried on tons of dresses! I got a dress for my bridal shower and one for the rehearsal dinner.

7. BRIDAL SHOWER: I had my first shower on Friday night. My friends in Wilmington, Shelley and Allison, gave me a beautiful kitchen and entertaining shower! It was so great to see all my friends and to soak in some of their wisdom on being a wife. Oh, and of course we got some great gifts! I hope to post some pictures from the shower soon!

8. QUALITY TIME: This is probably the biggest! Time together and some great time with my family!

Charlie is going to make a wonderful dad one day! We had fun taking care of the kids. I had night duty with 8 month old Zak. One night was great, the other terrible! But Charlie was wonderful and let me take a nap while he entertained the kids. He built a fort out of the couch pillows and everyone was happy!

It's back to work tomorrow and back to being apart. Only 69 more days to go!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We're Moving!!!

Okay, so it's been a while. I feel like we have something to do every weekend! I can't wait to be married and have no plans! No driving up and down the highway will be great! And...we will get to stay together in our new apartment!!! It's beautiful and ours together! Please write down our address and it will be officially ours on May 23. Charlie's moving in without me :( but then he gets stuck with me everyday!!!

Charlie and Jenny McClamroch :)
1111 Afton Meadows Lane
Cary, NC 27518

In other news....
We bought a bed!!! If anyone needs new mattresses we highly recommend going to The Original Mattress Factory! We got a great deal on great mattresses.

We are really busy packing up Charlie's apartment and praying that someone inquires about renting mine! If someone doesn't rent out my apartment we will have to pay out my lease until August...YUCK! So please pray for that!

The invitations will be in the mail hopefully in the next 2 weeks! They are here and beautiful!!! I love seeing our names together on the invitation. It seems so official now!

Only 82 more days to go! I have my first shower next Friday! I'll try to keep everyone updated!