Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I don't get around to blogging much on our personal site. My food blog is constantly updated...but here...not so much! I find that we are a very busy couple, which is interesting for 2 introverted people, yet we never do anything interesting enough to blog about. I do have some Christmas pictures to post. We had a great first Christmas together. I'll follow up with a post about that later. But now, I want to tell you about Charlie, my dear, sweet husband.

I feel overabundantly blessed that God chose me to be Charlie's wife. He is more than I ever dreamed for or imagined. I prayed and prayed for a husband for a very long time. One of my major goals in life was to be a wife. I was terrified it would never happen for me. I'm sure my friends were tired of hearing me whine about it. I even began to pray that if God had chosen the single lifestyle for me that he would change my heart.

And then, I met Charlie. It's amazing that we even met. As introverted as we both were, we were never really in situations where we would meet anyone. Neither one of us was into the bar scene, nor were we bold enough to talk to a random stranger in public. We're both terrible flirts. Basically, if I didn't meet someone at church or work it was never going to happen! And I was an elementary school teacher...not very many men in that profession! You all know how Charlie and I met through my brother. I couldn't be more grateful.

We were very quick to fall in love and some people may say we "rushed". I think we both had people telling us to slow down. We said "I love you" after 3 days together, were engaged after 4 months, and married within 9. And the truth is, everything was perfect! I knew right away that he was the man God had picked for me. I couldn't wait to be his wife and spend everyday together. He is my blessing.

I have never had a man adore me the way Charlie does. Now I understand why my family and friends tried so hard to get me away from guys in the past. He loves me just as I am. He doesn't try to change me or even get upset me when I'm being "me". You know, the crazy, emotional, hard to please, me. When I cry, he holds me, kisses my tears, and tries to find a way to make it better. He talks to me about the Bible, prays with me, and pulls me closer to God. When I am being a gossip or judgemental, he gently reminds to turn to Jesus. He makes me laugh daily. I love how we can sit in the car, hold hands, and not even have to say anything.

I have never once doubted where I stood with Charlie. I know when he looks at me that he adores me. And when I worry about us ever being able to have children, I know that he isn't worried. I am enough for him. Yet he continues to pray because he knows how much it means to me. In the middle of the night, if I get out of bed, he wakes up and calls for me. He spoils me for no particular reason because he loves me. He makes my heart beat fast and I love kissing him when he walks in the door.

I love Charlie just as much today as I did on our 3rd date, even more. Not once have I questioned how quickly we got married or worried that I was making the wrong decision. He is a gift from God to me and for that I couldn't be more grateful.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Our tree is up and decorated, our cards are mailed out, and the shopping has begun!

We like our tree, but we realize it is decorated very ugly! It's a tree that only we could love :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Pictures

Krystal took our pictures a couple weekends ago at Pullen Park. They're beautiful! Here's a sampling!

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Our First Thanksgiving

We had our first Thanksgiving dinner at home as a married couple yesterday! I made all the food and it was absolutely delicious! It was a ton of work though, especially for 2 people! We have so much to be thankful for! Here's our menu...

Brined Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Cinnamon Apples
Cranberry Sauce
Hawaiian Rolls
Banana Pudding Trifle

Check out my food blog later this week for the recipes!

We also got our first Christmas tree today! It's beautiful and looks great in our apartment! Stay tuned for a decorated pic...all the decorations I had are in storage at my parent's house! So we can't decorate until after next weekend!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009


You all know I love Martha Stewart. Her cookbooks, her merchandise, anything Martha, I'm all over it! I follow a lot of blogs. This writer was invited to the Martha show. Read her post. It's hilarious!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Good News!

Charlie got a promotion today! YAY! He just got back from a business trip in Atlanta. It was hard to be apart! I don't think I'll ever get used to it. People tell me once we've been married for a while I will be glad for a few days to myself. Honestly, I hope this is never the case! I hope I always dread being apart! Although, I mostly wish we never have to be!

Work is going well for me. It's nice to be back in the classroom. This job is definitely not teaching, but I do get opportunities to work with small groups of students. I love that part. The best thing is the stress level is SO low! No lesson plans, discipline problems, or difficult parents!

Say a prayer for me, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow! I'm thankful for Charlie. He'll be home to take care of me.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Answered Prayers

I finally have a job!!! I start Thursday at Middle Creek Elementary School as a 3rd grade assistant. It's not teaching, but in these times, I'm just happy to have finally landed a job in Wake County Schools. I'm hoping that it will lead to teaching soon. At least for next year. It's kind of a blessing because I'll be able to come home after work and focus on being a wife. No papers to grade, lesson plans, or conferences. Although, I can honestly say, I miss those things. The school is only 5 minutes from home. So that's also a blessing.

P.S. Did you see the buttons to the right? I designed them!!! Isn't that cool? If you click on them they will lead you to our other blogs. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grocery Run

While making dinner the other night I realized I was short one ingredient. I had already started cooking, so I sent Charlie out. He came back with my can of cream of chicken soup and these...

Thank you Honey! Daisies are my favorite! Isn't he sweet?

Monday, October 12, 2009


My mom was here visiting us last week. She's super smart about everything. Really, she knows so much stuff! So it was no surprise when I asked her to help me design a background for my other blog, Feed the Pig, that she would know how to do it. Check it out. It's adorable!

We have nothing new to report. Married life is fabulous and we still aren't sick of each other. I don't have a job yet, but I had an interview last week and one today. God is in control!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A dying art...

When was the last time you checked the mail and got a personal letter? Not a bill or advertisement, but a heartfelt note from someone? It saddens me to know that this rarely happens. The mail has been replaced by the Internet. Even email is being replaced by things like Facebook! Don't get me wrong. I'll be quick to write on someone's Facebook wall or send them an email, but what about letters? I love mail. I love someone's handwriting on a card or piece of stationary. Think about the joy you feel when you are lucky enough to receive one of these rarities. Even birthday cards are becoming obsolete! When you did get one it's usually from your dentist!

Even as I blog about this I know that I used to much better at sending mail than I am now. I used to send a birthday card to everyone in my family...distant cousins included! I didn't even send my brother a birthday card last week. When Charlie and I dated I sent him letters in the mail. It may seem silly since we talked everyday, but I love having all those letters. It's a piece of history that can be preserved forever. So, how much longer until the post office is out of business and it is totally turned over to instant Internet mail?

I have a whole box of stationary in my closet and I hope I never find a reason to throw it out! Thursday is my grandpa's birthday. I have a card stamped and ready to be mailed...along with a few other "thinking of you" cards for people I love! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A thankful heart...

Just over a year ago, last summer, I remember crying. If you know me well, you know this is nothing new. I wondered what God was doing with me. I couldn't find a teaching job in Wilmington and I desperately wondered where my husband was. I had a desire to be married. I had even come to the conclusion that there were no Godly men out there who wanted to be married. I figured they just did it because they were supposed to. I thought, hopefully, God will put one of these men in my life and I would eventually get married. I had a strong fear I would be 40 before this would happen.

I broadened my job search and ended up in Fayetteville at a great school. I thought, okay, God will reveal to me a wonderful military man. Little did I know that was not his plan. A month later I met Charlie. It was a year ago today that we were hiking together at Raven Rock. Yesterday, was a year ago that we met at Chris' birthday party bowling. And tomorrow will one year that he asked me out for coffee in the parking lot of the Hibernian Pub. I knew the night we met we would get married. I don't know how I knew, but I did. I didn't expect it to turn out this wonderful.

Who knew that in a year we would be married? Even as I write this I am amazed at what a blessing God has given me. Charlie is in the other room singing my song. The song he wrote for me. And I am once again in tears. This time my tears aren't in sorrow. They aren't searching God wondering what he is doing with me. They are joyful, thankful tears. Not only did God give me a wonderful husband, he gave me one that adores me. One that I never expected or thought existed.

I try so hard to use this as a reminder. Just over a year ago I wondered where Charlie was. Now I have different questions, some new and some a job. God is sovereign and his plan is great. It is better than anything I can want or imagine. In my desperate thoughts of wonder God is my comfort. He knows my desires and my heart. So as I wonder why I have these desires, why he isn't answering my prayers in my time, and why some things can be so easy for some people and not me, I remember that God loves me and knows me. He reminds me not to fret over these things, but to trust in him. He reminds me this everyday as I go to sleep in my husband's arms. Or when I kiss him hello. Or when Charlie tells me he loves me.

So, thank you God for loving me. Thank you for Charlie. Thank you for the reminder that you are in control. Even when I don't get my way, you remind me that your way is so much better.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Have you checked out my food blog?

Feed the Pig

Friday, September 4, 2009

A weekend apart

Today Charlie and I said goodbye for a very long weekend apart. No phone calls included! Charlie is off to serve as a youth leader for a Chrysalis flight. He will be giving a talk on "Faith" to a group of high school boys, hoping to lead them to Christ. He has been praying for months for a way for God to use him. This is the door that God opened. I am proud of him for his obedience, but I will miss him like crazy! I am home in Wilmington with my family. I love coming here and spending time with my family. They are a great distraction from my longing to see Charlie again in a few days. We haven't had one day since September 19th, the night we met bowling, that we haven't talked to each other. And we haven't spent a day apart since we were married 2 months ago. I miss him already and am counting down the minutes until we see each other Monday night!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009


Krystal, my sister-in-law, took some awesome photos of Scooter today for a special project :) She's an amazing photographer and it also helps that Scooter is cute...sometimes. Wait! Did I just admit that! Scooter and I are adjusting to one another. He has his moments of sweetness, but there are also moments oh sheer annoyance between us :)

From Scooter

From Scooter

From Scooter

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two Months!

Today is our 2 month anniversary! It's hard to believe we've been married 2 months. On one hand, it feels like we've been married forever. It's just so natural the way our lives fit together. On the other hand, I can't believe how fast 2 months have gone! I feel like I counted down everyday until our wedding and that it would never get here. And now we've been married 61 days!

Married life is great and I couldn't be more thankful to have Charlie as a husband! He is so good to me!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wedding Photos

We were blessed to have the awesome Amy of Emory Lane Photography take our wedding photos. If you click on the photos you can go to the albums on Picasa. There's a lot, so enjoy!

Wedding...Getting Ready




Sunday, August 9, 2009

About Us

I got this off of another website and thought it was cute...

Location: Cary, NC

Our Home: We have a one bedroom apartment together. It's perfect for us! :)

Ages: 29 and 25

How We Met: We met at my brother's bowling birthday party last yet. Well, I guess I should back-up and say we met once before then...we had lunch together with mutual friends (Charlie was having lunch with friends, who my brother knew) after church. We didn't hit it off. Charlie thought I was snobby and said I didn't laugh at any of his jokes. I probably was snobby because I didn't like the restaurant we were at. :) When we met again, we were kind of set-up. We ended up on the same bowling lane and talked a little throughout the night. He tried to give me a few bowling tips. When it was time to go he made it a point to say goodbye to me. When we left that night I knew we were going to get married!

Years Together: not even one :)

Married: 45 days

Careers & Education: Charlie is the marketing coordinator for the AICPA in Durham. The best part about his job is he gets to work from home 2 days a week! He has his business degree from Mt. Olive College. (This isn't the actual title of his degree, but he is asleep and I don't know it. I don't dare wake him!) I am currently staying at home and praying for a teaching job! I just finished a year of 3rd grade in Fayetteville. I have my degree in elementary education from UNCW.

Fight Most About: Honestly...we don't really fight! :) I would say the biggest source of tension between each other is trying to be on the computer at the same time. I think he's too slow and he thinks I'm too fast! Not a good combination! Luckily, we have 2 computers.

Biggest Worry: Hmm...I don't know. We don't really have one. But don't bring up something happening to one of us. It makes us sad. :(

Fantasy Buy: Charlie - a fast car and an old beat up truck, maybe a new guitar, Jenny - Volvo!

Interests & Hobbies: Charlie - playing guitar and painting, Jenny - cooking and baking, BOTH - spending time together!

Anniversary Gift: We haven't had one yet :)

On Weeknights: We eat dinner and sometimes go for a walk. Wednesday nights are always church night. We read the Bible together every night and just spend time together. We try to go to bed early, some days this is easier than others!

Spend the Weekends: Most weekends are spent with other people! Charlie likes to help me do the grocery shopping on Saturdays and Sundays are at church.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Charlie's music

If you've never heard Charlie play guitar you're missing out. Sometimes when he gets it out I pout because he isn't paying me attention. Wait! I haven't done that since we were dating! Now, I don't mind :) Anyway, he writes his own songs. He is very talented. I love seeing the Lord work through him in the lyrics he writes. He even wrote me a song when he proposed to me! Check out his new

We wrote a song together since we've been married. He hasn't finished recording it, so it's not on the website. So check back for new songs!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Blog

I started another blog yesterday...Feed the Pig. It's all the recipes I'm trying lately. People have been asking for them and I've been posting them on Facebook, but this is much more fun! Check it out!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Zak's Birthday!

Our nephew, Zak, turned one on the 27th of July! It's hard to believe that when he was born Charlie and I weren't even together! We celebrated at a really fun Western party for Zak!

Decorations! Charlie made this awesome steer head out of cardboard! Good job Honey!

Zak's giant cupcake!

Opening presents! He's such a boy!

I've been at a loss as to what to post lately. Charlie's been working and I'm still looking for a teaching job. Nothing terribly exciting going on in our live's lately. I'm hoping the jobs will open up once the budget is approved...hopefully this week!

Friday, July 17, 2009


So I have a list of blogs that I keep up with. I check them everyday. There are some that haven't been updated in over a month. I look at those and think..."Geez, update your blog already, I'm tired of seeing the same post!" So here is me, the pot calling the kettle black, finally updated the blog!

In case you didn't know....WE'RE MARRIED!!! The wedding was beautiful! I can't thank my parents enough for giving me such a beautiful day! I've never been more happier! We had a great honeymoon in the mountains. AND we LOVE being married and living in the same house! As soon as I get the pictures from the photograper I'll be sure to post them.

Rehearsal Dinner

Honeymoon Cabin

Toy Museum in Old Salem

Waterfalls in the backyard of our cabin!Bears at Grandfather Mountain

In other news, I am still job hunting. It is very discouraging, as it has been any time in my life that I've had to look for a job! I love having a clean house and dinner ready for Charlie when he walks in the door! I hope I can keep that up when I do start working!

Monday, June 22, 2009

See you at the Wedding!!

A little less than 5 days to go! We are so ready to be married! We are spending hte last week apart for the rest of our lives!!! We can't wait to be together every day! Here's the address to the church for the wedding...see you at 10:30!

4555 Fairview Drive
Wilmington NC 28412

Much Love!
The future Jenny McClamroch :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

11 days!!!

No news to really update. I am officially out of Fayetteville and looking forward to living in Cary with Charlie. I am still job hunting and praying for a teaching position in Wake County. Here are some wedding teasers from my bridal portrait session...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Shower in Raleigh

My sister, Krystal, hosted a shower for me this past Saturday in Raliegh. We ate at the Twisted Fork...YUM! We had some great food and wonderful company!!! It was mostly attended by family and a few good friends! Enjoy the pictures!

Towel Cake. A gift from Dawn, Charlie's sister-in-law.
Krystal and me.

A beautiful picture of my ring holding one of the favors...yummy mini cupcakes!

While I was having fun, Charlie had a lot of guys moving our stuff! We are officially moved into our new apartment! It is great and we love it! I am so jealous that I don't get to stay there! Here's our new address. I hope to get some pictures up soon!
1111 Afton Meadow Lane
Cary, NC 27518

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The BIG Move!

So of course I have to leave Fayetteville before the wedding. This meant breaking my lease. That was going to cost us $800 a month until mid August if my apartment complex didn't rent my apartment out! YIKES! So I told them I would move at a moment's notice if they could just please rent it! So after lots of prayers they called me on Friday afternoon and wanted the apartment empty by Monday morning! I was planning on moving out next weekend, so it was a bit of work finding help and getting everything ready!

Charlie and I worked really hard Friday afternoon and evening getting everything packed up. We went to a wedding on Saturday in Durham. So we got a break for a day. We rented a U-Haul and our best man, Henry, came to the rescue!!! Henry is awesome and Charlie couldn't have a better friend! Charlie and Henry loaded up the truck in the rain and emptied my apartment today. My parent's came and helped me clean up. Thank you Mom, Paul, and Henry! And of course, thank you Charlie!

So everything is stacked and waiting for next weekend's move in Charlie's apartment. Charlie has a bunch of guys lined up to move everything from Durham to Cary on Saturday. So the move is only half way over! I'm anxiously awaiting a picture from Charlie of everything stacked to the ceiling!

We can't wait to be in the same apartment. 41 days to go!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Proverbs Wife

My good friend Sarah did a wonderful devotion on being a good wife at my shower in Wilmington. Here's a list of the verses she used to guide me as a wife. I will need to read these everyday to be anywhere close to successful!

Proverbs 19:20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.
Proverbs 31:12
She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Proverbs 17:12
The pruden see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
Proverbs 20:20
A gossip betrays a confidence. So avoid a man that talks too much.
Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Provers 12:25
An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.
Proverbs 12:16
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Proverbs 17:14
Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matther before a dispute breaks out.
Proverbs 28:13-14
He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
Proverbs 3:27-28
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later, I'll give it tomorrow" when you now have it with you.
Proverbs 11:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, bt with her won hands the foolish one tears her down.
Proverbs 12:4
A wife of noble character is her husband's crown.

Thanks Sarah!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wedding Shower

We have been so busy lately with moving and wedding details I really have nothing to report! We did go to the Divine Design marriage conference this past weekend at Calvary Chapel Cary! What a blessing it was! We are still swamped with life and hope things slow down once the big move (May 23). Although we still have the wedding to go!

Here are some pics from my shower in Wilmington last month.

They had this fun veil to wear! It was my friend Allison's actual wedding veil!
Allison and Shelley...2 wonderful friends and great hostesses!
The true gift here was the devotion that went with the basket! Each item had a Proverb or 2 attached. It was a great lesson on being a Godly wife. Thanks Sarah!
The delicious cake had my married monogram on it!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A little time off...

We recently had some time off from work and got to spend a lot of time together (and with my family)! I had Spring Break for 9 days! It will be so hard to go back to work tomorrow! Charlie took 3 days off from work and we went down to Wilmington. My mom was watching my neice and nephew, Lorelei and Zak, while Chris and Krystal finally took a honeymoon (5 years later). We went down to help with kids and do some wedding planning. Here's the highlights of our vacation:

1. NEW BED: The new bed was delivered on Saturday. It looks humongous compared to our full beds and is SO comfortable. I'm jealous that Charlie gets to enjoy for the next 69 days without me!

2. EASTER: We went to the 8 o'clock Easter service. It was great to spend a day worshipping the Lord together. No one wanted to spend Easter with us :) so we enjoyed being gluttons at Golden Corral.

3. INVITATIONS: They will be in the mail tomorrow! They are addressed, stuffed, and sealed finally!

4. FLOWERS: We met with a florist on Saturday. I was totally overwhelmed by everything and began committing to things I'm unsure of. Luckily, I have a great mom who is going to smooth things out for me!

5. DRESS FITTING: I had my fitting for my dress and was able to pick up my veil! I also bought a clip for my hair and got shoes!

6. OTHER DRESSES: Poor Charlie trampled through the mall with the kids, my mom and I for hours one day. He was a great help with the kids and didn't complain as I tried on tons of dresses! I got a dress for my bridal shower and one for the rehearsal dinner.

7. BRIDAL SHOWER: I had my first shower on Friday night. My friends in Wilmington, Shelley and Allison, gave me a beautiful kitchen and entertaining shower! It was so great to see all my friends and to soak in some of their wisdom on being a wife. Oh, and of course we got some great gifts! I hope to post some pictures from the shower soon!

8. QUALITY TIME: This is probably the biggest! Time together and some great time with my family!

Charlie is going to make a wonderful dad one day! We had fun taking care of the kids. I had night duty with 8 month old Zak. One night was great, the other terrible! But Charlie was wonderful and let me take a nap while he entertained the kids. He built a fort out of the couch pillows and everyone was happy!

It's back to work tomorrow and back to being apart. Only 69 more days to go!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We're Moving!!!

Okay, so it's been a while. I feel like we have something to do every weekend! I can't wait to be married and have no plans! No driving up and down the highway will be great! And...we will get to stay together in our new apartment!!! It's beautiful and ours together! Please write down our address and it will be officially ours on May 23. Charlie's moving in without me :( but then he gets stuck with me everyday!!!

Charlie and Jenny McClamroch :)
1111 Afton Meadows Lane
Cary, NC 27518

In other news....
We bought a bed!!! If anyone needs new mattresses we highly recommend going to The Original Mattress Factory! We got a great deal on great mattresses.

We are really busy packing up Charlie's apartment and praying that someone inquires about renting mine! If someone doesn't rent out my apartment we will have to pay out my lease until August...YUCK! So please pray for that!

The invitations will be in the mail hopefully in the next 2 weeks! They are here and beautiful!!! I love seeing our names together on the invitation. It seems so official now!

Only 82 more days to go! I have my first shower next Friday! I'll try to keep everyone updated!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

100th day!!!

In the education world, the 100th day is a big celebration. In the engagement world it is the last three digit number of days until we are married! I love this countdown! We are getting there! I have made some benchmarks for myself to help the time go faster:

  1. mid April-Spring Break, first Shower...Charlie took the week off to be me! We are going to try to get some apartment things organized, make a visit to Old Salem, and spend time with my niece and nephew while my brother and sister in law are out of town.
  2. mid May-Shower, EOGs...EOGs will be very stressful, but if I can get through them I have survived! Oh! This is also (hopefully!) the time Charlie will get to move into our new apartment (see below).
  3. mid June-END OF SCHOOL, leave Fayetteville! This is one of the more exciting ones!
  • I get to move out of this scary town!
  • I will have survived my first year of teaching.
  • 2 weeks until the wedding!


In other news, we have decided on a honeymoon. We are going to stay in a beautiful one room cabin in Boone! Can't wait! AND we picked out an apartment! We are both amazed at the deal on this great apartment in Cary. God has definetly had his hand in our relationship. He continues to provide exactly what we need. Finally, I decided on wedding invitations. My goal is to get them mailed by the end of my Spring Break.

We are meeting with a photographer on Saturday. I'm crossing my fingers she will be the one! This is a huge task I would like to cross off my list! Also, I'm dress shopping with Krystal, my MOH. Hopefully we can get her dress and then get the wedding colors nailed down! So much to do!

To top it off my sweet, handsome nephew is getting dedicated at church on Sunday!

More to come....

Monday, March 9, 2009

25 random facts about Charlie and Jenny….

  1. The first time they met Charlie thought Jenny was snobby.
  2. The second time they met they were kind of set-up by Jenny’s brother, Chris.
  3. Jenny knew the second time they met, while bowling, that they would get married. She stopped biting her nails that day so she would have pretty hands for a ring.
  4. Charlie asked Jenny out for coffee, which to this day they have never gone to do, after 3 days together with friends. They barely talked those 3 days.
  5. Charlie and Jenny learned more about each other over numerous hours of phone conversation and lack of sleep the week before their first date.
  6. Jenny blew off a Downhere concert, her favorite band, to have their first date a day early.
  7. Jenny kissed Charlie first…on the first date…at the beginning of the date.
  8. Charlie and Jenny’s first date was at a party with Charlie’s friends…no pressure!
  9. Charlie and Jenny’s second date was the El Greco art exhibit at Duke. Jenny has a stuffed lamb named El Greco from that date that she sleeps with every night.
  10. Charlie thinks Jenny tricked him into saying I love you first.
  11. Jenny did not trick Charlie but he did say it first, on their 3rd date, 2 days after their first date.
  12. The third date was at Pullen Park. Charlie helped Jenny grade papers and they rode in the paddle boats. They also jumped a fence, went to a forbidden area, and kissed under a beautiful tree.
  13. Charlie and Jenny’s first 3 dates happened in one weekend.
  14. Charlie and Jenny started talking seriously about marriage the second week they were together.
  15. Charlie has gotten Jenny to enjoy numerous things that she normally would turn her nose up at…like camping.
  16. The only weekend Charlie and Jenny have spent apart was the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving. But they saw each other Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of that week.
  17. When Charlie and Jenny looked at engagement rings Jenny cried in the store and Charlie tried to play fight with her…karate type stuff.
  18. Charlie proposed to Jenny in her brother’s living room in front of her family by singing her a beautiful song he wrote for her. There is a Napoleon Dynamite blanket in the background.
  19. Jenny had a terrible week prior to that moment and was annoyed with Charlie the Friday night he proposed to her until she figured out what was going on.
  20. Charlie and Jenny love to watch the Cosby Show.
  21. When Charlie and Jenny watch a movie Jenny always sleeps through it.
  22. By the time Charlie and Jenny are married they will have been together 9 months and 1 day.
  23. Charlie and Jenny wish they could get married much sooner than the end of June.
  24. Charlie and Jenny find numerous eerie similarities about each other regularly. Like…they both had Gizmo stuffed animals as kids and Glow worms. There are more but they have escaped Jenny’s mind at the moment.
  25. Some of Jenny’s pet peeves about Charlie…they are always late and he never charges his cell phone. Charlie’s pet peeves about Jenny…she is extremely needy and cries at the drop of a hat.

Wedding Details...Church

I have decided to keep everyone updated with posts about small wedding details. I have a lot to do, but I will start with the church! We are getting married in Wilmington at Christ Community Church. This is the church that was instrumental in my becoming a Christian! I have such a big heart for CCC! In fact, the thought of getting married somewhere else and by someone other than Pastor Paul Phillips breaks my heart!

Christ Community just built a beautiful new church home. It is absolutely beautiful and I pray that the people there and that building continue to bless lives the way mine was! We visited the first service in the new building this past Sunday. The sanctuary is absolutely gorgeous. The worship service started at 10:30 which is the time that our ceremony will start. The lighting through the windows was so beautiful. On Saturday we stopped by the church and I practiced walking down the aisle, so fun!!!

The reception will be in the lobby, which is a large fellowship area. It has beautiful carpeting and large windows and doors that let in so much light. It is going to be a beautiful wedding!

P.S. We will be the first wedding in the new building!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wedding Updates!

We have officially set a date...June 27th!!! We can't wait! Only 122 days to go!

We went to Wilmington for dress shopping with my mom, sister, and a couple of friends. It was SO much fun! I tried on so many dresses and ended up buying the first one I tried on. It is beautiful and I absolutely LOVE the dress! No details though, have to keep it a secret! Krystal took a bunch of pictures of me trying on dresses. None of these are the one I bought so it's okay to peek!

Krystal also took a few engagement pictures of us in downtown Wilmington on Sunday afternoon. It was extremely windy and cold so we didn't get much done! But I will post more pictures when she gets more!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


We starting registering on Saturday. At first I was not looking forward to it. It was just one more thing to put on my to do list! It was SO much fun! We went to Target. We started in the kitchen section, my favorite part!!! I went nuts! I think I ended up registering for 5 different water pitchers! I loved them all and couldn't decide! Crazy, I know, but it was fun! Charlie added in a bunch of tools. We didn't even finish registering at Target, there was just too much! So, we will resume the registery in a couple weeks and do it at a few other stores as well.

We're off to Wilmington next weekend. Wedding dresses!!!

P.S. - Valentine's Day was great! Sweet, sweet Charlie sent me beautiful flowers! He's such a sweetheart and is way too good to me! I made him sugar cookies that were decorated to look like conversation hearts. They are delicious and fattening us up before the wedding!

Friday, January 30, 2009

We're Engaged!

Okay, so this isn't a big shock to people who know us well, but it's true!!! Charlie proposed tonight! Here's the details....We were at Chris and Krystal's house. Chris and Charlie had plans to play the guitar. I had a terrible day and was not happy, on the verge of tears. Then...Charlie said he wanted to play a new song for me that he had been working on, a church song. My first thought was, "will I ever get a song?" (selfish, I know). So Charlie started playing this beautiful song about me and him! If you click on the song on the iPod to the right you can hear it! Then he got down on one knee and proposed. I don't know what he said though! Of course I said yes!!! It all happened so fast! Luckily, Chris and Krystal video taped the whole thing!!! Hopefully I can post that soon!

We are so happy and look forward to be married to one another. God truly has blessed us!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Boston Market

I was reading through old emails between Charlie and me tonight. I found this little gem that I have been meaning to post!!! One of Charlie's favorite things about me is that I get really sleepy when I am driving. (Ha!) This leaves him to be creative and keep me entertained on the cell phone in between Durham and Fayetteville. Charlie does a great job narrating movies or just being silly! And then there was Boston Market....

One night while driving back to Fayetteville, Charlie and I were talking about how Fayetteville sucks! So, Charlie typed into Google "Fayetteville sucks". He wound up on someone's blog about Boston Market.

So Charlie started reading this blog to me. The best part about it was all the hilarious comments people were making. Charlie decided to comment as well:

My girl is going to try BM.

Yo, my girl is goin back to Fayettnam and I wuz reading her this joint. We have never tried the BM. I toll her she needed to try it, since the one in Fayettnam is spossed to be fingar lickin good. I toll hur that she should tell dem dudes behind the counter that Daryle sent her there. My lady likes chicken and gravy. She also likes a good sweet tater. Yo, them black plates was gangsta. I think they should bring those back. Thanks for this page Meek. I like to go to McDonald yo, because it's cheap and they Monopoly now. My girl keeps telling me that stuff will kill me, but I just need to get a couple more pieces and then I can get some more benjamins. I don't think that have a BM in D-Town, else I would go.

We made it our mission to find a Boston Market in Durham. One Friday night we probably had one of the best dinners ever! I'm not kidding, it was SO good! We visited the one in Fayetteville and were disappointed! So, if you haven't tried Boston Market, we recommend the one in Durham!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It snowed today!!! I convinced Charlie to come back to Fayetteville with me last night since he can work from home on Tuesdays. I had a snow day from work, but poor Charlie had to work all day on the laptop. We didn't get out much in the snow, but it was nice to be warm inside! I baked Charlie's favorite cookies...Oatmeal Raisin. The best part was being together all day! Charlie is snowed in here and isn't headed back to Durham until tomorrow after work. I have a work day. The extra couple days together is so nice!