Thursday, March 19, 2009

100th day!!!

In the education world, the 100th day is a big celebration. In the engagement world it is the last three digit number of days until we are married! I love this countdown! We are getting there! I have made some benchmarks for myself to help the time go faster:

  1. mid April-Spring Break, first Shower...Charlie took the week off to be me! We are going to try to get some apartment things organized, make a visit to Old Salem, and spend time with my niece and nephew while my brother and sister in law are out of town.
  2. mid May-Shower, EOGs...EOGs will be very stressful, but if I can get through them I have survived! Oh! This is also (hopefully!) the time Charlie will get to move into our new apartment (see below).
  3. mid June-END OF SCHOOL, leave Fayetteville! This is one of the more exciting ones!
  • I get to move out of this scary town!
  • I will have survived my first year of teaching.
  • 2 weeks until the wedding!


In other news, we have decided on a honeymoon. We are going to stay in a beautiful one room cabin in Boone! Can't wait! AND we picked out an apartment! We are both amazed at the deal on this great apartment in Cary. God has definetly had his hand in our relationship. He continues to provide exactly what we need. Finally, I decided on wedding invitations. My goal is to get them mailed by the end of my Spring Break.

We are meeting with a photographer on Saturday. I'm crossing my fingers she will be the one! This is a huge task I would like to cross off my list! Also, I'm dress shopping with Krystal, my MOH. Hopefully we can get her dress and then get the wedding colors nailed down! So much to do!

To top it off my sweet, handsome nephew is getting dedicated at church on Sunday!

More to come....

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