Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I don't get around to blogging much on our personal site. My food blog is constantly updated...but here...not so much! I find that we are a very busy couple, which is interesting for 2 introverted people, yet we never do anything interesting enough to blog about. I do have some Christmas pictures to post. We had a great first Christmas together. I'll follow up with a post about that later. But now, I want to tell you about Charlie, my dear, sweet husband.

I feel overabundantly blessed that God chose me to be Charlie's wife. He is more than I ever dreamed for or imagined. I prayed and prayed for a husband for a very long time. One of my major goals in life was to be a wife. I was terrified it would never happen for me. I'm sure my friends were tired of hearing me whine about it. I even began to pray that if God had chosen the single lifestyle for me that he would change my heart.

And then, I met Charlie. It's amazing that we even met. As introverted as we both were, we were never really in situations where we would meet anyone. Neither one of us was into the bar scene, nor were we bold enough to talk to a random stranger in public. We're both terrible flirts. Basically, if I didn't meet someone at church or work it was never going to happen! And I was an elementary school teacher...not very many men in that profession! You all know how Charlie and I met through my brother. I couldn't be more grateful.

We were very quick to fall in love and some people may say we "rushed". I think we both had people telling us to slow down. We said "I love you" after 3 days together, were engaged after 4 months, and married within 9. And the truth is, everything was perfect! I knew right away that he was the man God had picked for me. I couldn't wait to be his wife and spend everyday together. He is my blessing.

I have never had a man adore me the way Charlie does. Now I understand why my family and friends tried so hard to get me away from guys in the past. He loves me just as I am. He doesn't try to change me or even get upset me when I'm being "me". You know, the crazy, emotional, hard to please, me. When I cry, he holds me, kisses my tears, and tries to find a way to make it better. He talks to me about the Bible, prays with me, and pulls me closer to God. When I am being a gossip or judgemental, he gently reminds to turn to Jesus. He makes me laugh daily. I love how we can sit in the car, hold hands, and not even have to say anything.

I have never once doubted where I stood with Charlie. I know when he looks at me that he adores me. And when I worry about us ever being able to have children, I know that he isn't worried. I am enough for him. Yet he continues to pray because he knows how much it means to me. In the middle of the night, if I get out of bed, he wakes up and calls for me. He spoils me for no particular reason because he loves me. He makes my heart beat fast and I love kissing him when he walks in the door.

I love Charlie just as much today as I did on our 3rd date, even more. Not once have I questioned how quickly we got married or worried that I was making the wrong decision. He is a gift from God to me and for that I couldn't be more grateful.

1 comment:

The Kerns Family said...

I honestly have tears in my eyes..I love you both and I don't two people could be better suited to one another! <3