Friday, February 19, 2010

Just a note

So I don't get around to blogging much. This doesn't surprise you because I haven't written anything in a while. I really don't have time to write at this moment, but I'm going to anyway! No new pictures or anything new to really report. Just a little about thankfulness, grace, and love.

I'm listening to Charlie's music. Something I love to do and wish I did daily. Sometimes his songs make me sad. Mostly the ones before me because I know his story and I don't like thinking about his broken heart. But today I realize his music is a blessing. He has a song called "Don't give me what I want". It's a song to God. The lyrics...

Don't give me what I want
Give me what I need
Don't give me what I wish for
Just help to believe
Cause I know that you're plans
They are what's best for me

I am so thankful that this happened in Charlie's life and mine as well. We both went through periods in our lives where we desperately wanted something that we knew wasn't God's will for us. If God has given us those things I know that we wouldn't have met, fallen in love, and married one another. Charlie is a wonderful husband. He is more amazing than any husband I imagined existed. I never knew a man could love me so much and that he would be just as excited as being married to me as I am him. He's a sweetheart and perfect for me.

I can think of numerous times in my own life where I was disobedient to God or questioned what he was doing with my life. I didn't want to trust. I even tried to run the other way. I now know that his plan is what's best for me. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would be living the life I am today I never would have believed you. I would have pictured something totally different. And I am so grateful for what my life is. It's exactly as it should be.

People tell me how happy they are for me and that I "deserve it". I know this is just a saying, but the truth is, I don't deserve any of it. It is only by the grace of God that I have the life I have today. In fact, I'm so undeserving, that I can't even remember to thank God daily for what he's given me! I am more than thankful to Christ for Charlie and the life he has given us together.

So, that's it. Just a note. Sorry if you were looking for an update. The only one I have is that we're still busy and madly in love. I'm off to cook dinner and get ready for a sleepover with my niece and nephew.

If you want to check out Charlie's music click on the button on the right for his blog.

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