Monday, September 21, 2009

A dying art...

When was the last time you checked the mail and got a personal letter? Not a bill or advertisement, but a heartfelt note from someone? It saddens me to know that this rarely happens. The mail has been replaced by the Internet. Even email is being replaced by things like Facebook! Don't get me wrong. I'll be quick to write on someone's Facebook wall or send them an email, but what about letters? I love mail. I love someone's handwriting on a card or piece of stationary. Think about the joy you feel when you are lucky enough to receive one of these rarities. Even birthday cards are becoming obsolete! When you did get one it's usually from your dentist!

Even as I blog about this I know that I used to much better at sending mail than I am now. I used to send a birthday card to everyone in my family...distant cousins included! I didn't even send my brother a birthday card last week. When Charlie and I dated I sent him letters in the mail. It may seem silly since we talked everyday, but I love having all those letters. It's a piece of history that can be preserved forever. So, how much longer until the post office is out of business and it is totally turned over to instant Internet mail?

I have a whole box of stationary in my closet and I hope I never find a reason to throw it out! Thursday is my grandpa's birthday. I have a card stamped and ready to be mailed...along with a few other "thinking of you" cards for people I love! :)

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